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       On the first day of engineering college, every student thinks that he is going to achieve his goals. For achieving the goals we have to choose the right path, we have to take the right decision, we have to sacrifice some of our important things. Has I am a Computer Science student, the first decision I should take is which programming language should I prefer to achieve my goals. This post consists of the most important programming language and their importance in our life to achieve jobs.

        There are about 700+ programming languages in the world. Now the big question arises which programming language should I choose?. Many of us have a big dream to work in big companies like Google, AMAZON, FACEBOOK, etc.. To get a job in them is not an easy task. Choosing the right programming language plays a vital role in this. You can choose programming language upon your opinion, if you want to be a game developer you can choose C++, Java, HTML 5, Javascript, SQL, and many more. If you are a beginner then this post will help you the most...Now, I am going to share with you:-

 1)Most demanding, popular programming languages

 2)Why should you learn this language?

 3)What are the job opportunities?

 4)What is the Difficulty level of this language?

***You can also check out this video for more information**



    Python is an interpreted, high-level, general-purpose programming language. It is also an OOPs based dynamic programming language. Recently we saw the dramatic growth of the python language. It is the time of Artificial Intelligence(A.I) and Data Science In which python plays a major role in developing our future. Python is chosen by most of the software development companies because of its easy execution and easy to learn. Some other most interesting features are:

  •  Interactive
  •  Interpreted and Modular
  •  Dynamic with High level
  •  Easy portable
  •  Object-oriented 
  •  Extensible in C++& C

Q) Why should I learn Python?

    Over hundreds of languages, choosing python make you a unique person. Python is the language which does the work in a simpler manner, while other programming language takes years. Python leads the world by its versatile frameworks. These frameworks are used everywhere. The frameworks with their application are given below:-

Q)What is the difficulty level of the python? 

        Python is an easier language. It is also the most popular and fast-growing programming language nowadays. Python is easy, because of its easy unique syntax. Because of its easy syntax and dynamic programming, Python is used by popular companies like:-
  •  Google
  •  Instagram
  •  Spotify
  •  Amazon
  •  Facebook

Q)What are the Job opportunities for Python developers?

     There is a huge requirement for jobs in this field. Some of the popular jobs after learning python are:-    

  •  Software Engineer ($170,000)
  •  Python Developer  ($80,000-$117,822)
  •  Research Analyst  ($62,247)
  •  Data Analyst and Data Scientist($77,166-$121,031)
  •  Machine learning Engineer ($ 141,029)
  •  Full stack python developer($109,835)  


     Java is a general-purpose, concurrent, Object-oriented, class-based programming language, created in 1995. It is owned by Oracle, and more than 3 billion devices run Java. The features which make the Java unique are:-
  •  Object-Oriented
  •  Robust: Strong memory management
  •  Platform Independent
  •  Portable and Secure
  •  Architecture-neutral 
  •  High performance and Interpreted
  •  Dynamic and Distributed

Q)Why should I learn Java?

  Recently we see the huge growth of android app development with base language has java.90% of Fortune 500 companies use Java for their backend arhitecture.Java is used for many purposes some of them are listed below:-
  •  IoT(Internet of things) and APIs
  •  Financial trading platforms
  •  Android
  •  E-commerce websites
Java has multiple Open Source Libraries such as JHipster, Maven, GoogleGuava, Apache Commons, etc.

Q) What is the difficulty level of Java?

      Compared to other languages Java is a little difficult but it is worthy. Any programming language will be difficult until you start programming in it.Java is a strong language that runs fast. Do the unique structure and benefits of Java many top companies prefer it. Some are:

Q)What are job opportunities for Java?

        Since Java language has huge demand. Most companies hire java programmers some of the Java job roles and their average salaries(USA) are:-
  •  Software Engineering  ($71,000)
  •  Mobile Application Developer ($99,000)
  •  Java Web Developer ($95,000)
  •  Java Developer ($21,000-$100,000)
  •  SQL Analyst ($61,000)
  •  Java ($91,000)


   "Old is Gold", the perfect example is C language. C is a middle-level programming language that was developed at Bell Lab in 1972 by Dennis Ritchie. From then to now it plays a vital role in changing this technological world with its amazing features. C++ is an extendible version of C language, the additional feature it consists of is Simula67(a first Object-Oriented language).
Some of the main features of C and C++ are:-
  •  Speed and DMA (Dynamic Memory Allocation)
  •  Existence of Libraries
  •  compiler-based and Case-sensitive
  •  Popular and Hight level programming language
  •  Simple and Portable
  •  Free and Platform Independent

Q) Why should I learn C or C++?

   C is the most basic language. Almost every programmer starts his career with C language. Many universities and colleges prefer to teach the c language first. It is hight self-motivation learn C make you boost up through with you are able to understand syntax and basic of any language without knowing the actual language.
    To master other programming languages C/C++ plays a key role. It is not much used in modern days but some of the areas where C is still used a lot are: 
  • Systems programming
  • Open-source Software
  • Embedded System
  Windows, Mac OS, and Linux computers are all running in C-powered kernel. Through you can say how powerful is the C language.

Q) What are job Opportunities for C/C++:

Jobs that are available after learning C/C++ are:-
  •  Operating system development
  •  Compilers and Assemblers
  •  Interpreters and Network drivers
  •  Database Systems
  •  You can also build front-end and games using C++

C++ developer earns around : 

  • Junior    ($41,000)
  • Average   ($72,000)
  • Senior    ($120,000)
Salary information from
  •   Salary range   (58k -128k)
  •   Average Salary ($89,352)

I conclude that these three languages would change your programming career. If you wanted to be a good programmer you should know all three languages, and make one language as a career language or main language.

In my opinion, choose the python language.
Because you can see the growth. Also, it will be our 
future language which deals with Data Science, AI, and Machine Learning.

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  1. Simply superb 👌 quality information
    Keep it up bro🔥

  2. It's really helpful for me to know about jobs and programming languages , thank you for your kind information ...
