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Student's Laptop | Which Laptop is best? | Every thing about Laptop

                                     STUDENT'S LAPTOP

Hello everyone

In this blog you can get answers that you have about buying a laptop. First of all if you if you want to compare between buying a laptop or desktop. I would recommend you to choose desktop instead of laptop. There are many reasons.

Some of the main reasons are:

1) Desktop have main powerful processor. Laptop generally have less powerful processor except gaming laptops.

2) The repairing of desktops is easy work as compared to laptops. Components of desktop can be easily removed. While the repairing of laptops is little complex. Components of  laptops are not easily removable.

The main disadvantage which make us not to buy desktop is that it is not portable.
That's why we choose Laptop which is easily portable.

Now while coming to laptop we have wide variety and different laptop of different features are available. For our convince, comfort, and more importantly for work laptop should contain these features:-

While buying a laptop the first thing we usually see and we should see is the 
processor(CPU). CPU is responsible for process of data. Better the CPU better computation can be performed by it. More threads and cores means better multitasking(multiprocessing).
Simply seeing the CPU model name, without any context, can  be confusing. Most laptops today are powered by Intel CPU, though there are several models that use AMD processors. Even if you only look at Intel's lineup, there are more than dozen different models. 
* You can read CPU model Name using this->

* Here some recommended CPU for respective works.

Higher generation CPUs(modern CPUs) are usually better in terms of performance and pricing. You can compare different processors using this site:-    Click to compare

RAM is responsible for storing the programs temporarily in the volatile memory. 
Random Access Memory(RAM) is also referred as system memory. It enables the processor to access data much faster in comparison with hard drive(HDD) and Solid State Drive(SSD)How ram is consumed in window Laptop.

It is recommended to have 8GB ram. At least 4GB is required.

3) Storage:-
OS(operating System) and Data is stored in Hard Disk or SSD. SSDs are 10X faster than mechanical hard drives and highly recommended these days. Also SSDs have long life. SSDs lets you boot faster, wake your laptop from sleep almost instantly and open your favorite applications in a fraction of the time.( Google Chrome and Microsoft Word, for example , open in less than a second.)

4)Graphic card:
If you are interested in gaming, video editing or graphic intensive software like premier pro. you would need good graphic card. Otherwise it is not much required in coding. If you want to fulfil your above needs, though, a discrete graphics processor from AMD or NVidia is essential .NVidia maintains a list of graphics chips from low to high end.
These are the important features that should be looked before buying a laptop.
Some other features are:-
1) Brand:-
Brand also play a major role as you will need to get your laptops serviced quite often If your brand doesn't have a service center near your home then it would be problem.
Extended warranty can save you a lot of money!

2) Higher-Resolution Screens:-
Past we have 1366 x 768 resolution screens. At this rotten resolution, not only are pictures grainier, but not a lot of text fits on the screen, forcing you to scroll a long way to read Web Pages or documents. Now you can find an affordable system with 1980 x 1080 or higher resolution screen that will let you see more of your work at once.

3)Battery Life:-
This is one of key aspect of laptops. usually gaming laptops have less time period. However if you plan to use the laptop on your lap, even it's at home and or work, you'll want at least 7 hours of endurance, with 8+ hours being ideal.

If you are Computer Students some import apps with minimum requirements are:-
1) Visual Studio :
1) 1.8 GHz or faster processor. Quad-core or better recommended
2) 2 GB of Ram; 8 GB of Ram recommended(2.5 minimum if running on a virtual )
3) Hard disk space: minimum of 800MB up to 210 GB of available space, depending             on features  installed, typical installation require 20-50 GB of free space. to                        improve performance, install Windows and Visual Studio on a solid state                            drive(SSD).
     Link: - Visual Studio requirement

2)Android Studio(Java and flutter) minimum requirements:
         1) Microsoft® Windows® 7/8/10 (64-bit)
        2) 4 GB RAM minimum, 8 GB RAM recommended.
        3) 2 GB of available disk space minimum, 4 GB Recommended (500 MB for IDE +             1.5 GB for Android SDK and emulator system image)
        4) 1280 x 800 minimum screen resolution.

3) Jet brains Pycharm/IntelliJ & other IDEs: 
        1) 2 GB RAM minimum, 8 GB RAM recommended
        2) 2 GB of available disk space minimum, 4 GB Recommended (500 MB for IDE +             1.5 GB for Android SDK and emulator system image)
        3) 1024x768 minimum screen resolution.1920×1080 Recommended. 
    Link:- Pycharm requirement

4)Adobe Premiere Pro:
        1) Processor: Intel® 6thGen or newer CPU or AMD equivalent Operating system
        2) Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit) version 1803 or later 
        3) RAM: 8 GB of RAM 
        4) GPU: 2 GB of GPU VRAM  
        5) 8 GB of available hard-disk space for installation(Additional high-speed drive for         media).
    Link:- Adobe requirement

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